5 Reasons to Work With Us

​​​​5 Reasons to work with Wynkoop Architecture

1. Inspired Design
At Wynkoop Architecture, we believe great projects start with visionary design. While many firms focus on the past or present, we specialize in pioneering what’s next. Our design director, Eric, leverages advanced education, extensive experience, and a natural talent for innovation to create spaces that are as unique as your imagination.

2. Outstanding Personalized Service
We prioritize building meaningful relationships with our clients. While others may treat you as just another project number, we walk alongside you throughout the entire process. Our commitment to exceptional service has earned us numerous accolades, including the “Best of Houzz 2024, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2016” for service.

3. Efficiency in Production
We excel at completing projects swiftly and efficiently. With careful scheduling and a streamlined process, your project will never get lost in the shuffle. Our team has collaborated with over 20 municipalities in California, ensuring smooth approvals by working within city guidelines. This proactive approach saves you both time and money.

4. Experience and Education
With 23 years of professional experience and over 160 residential and commercial projects completed, we’re equipped to tackle even the most challenging design problems. Eric brings a unique perspective as a person who has built homes himself, and a holder of a Master of Architecture degree, complemented by three additional years of training in interior design, specializing in lighting, landscape, and kitchen design. Many of our competitors lack such advanced qualifications and hands-on building experience.

5. Commitment to Lifelong Learning
Eric embodies a spirit of curiosity and innovation, always staying at the forefront of design thinking. As an active member of the AIA and an executive board member (AIAMB 2016-2021) he frequently attends national conventions to stay on top of what is next. His master’s thesis focused on the psychology of design, utilizing insights from neuroscience to create spaces that inspire, enrich, and enhance well-being. We strive to design environments where people thrive.

We are here to assist you and offer a complimentary initial design consultation for your upcoming projects. As we prepare for spring/summer construction, don’t hesitate to reach out at 831-620-5744.